Joe Quirk
President of The Seasteading Institute and co-founder of Blue Frontiers E-mail:
Abstract – The first seastead is floating in the Andaman sea. Why? Lee Kuan Yew proved that the greatest wealth generator in the world is startup governance. The path he laid out for the world should allow the Tiny Red Dot to create Tinier Blue Dots. Wealth generation in the second half of the twentieth century was dominated by the spread of over 4000 Special Economic Zones. The twenty-first century will see the rise of SeaZones, where these startup nano-nations will absorb the cost of failure but share in the prosperity. Venture capitalist Patri Friedman, grandson of the Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman, deeply studied the life and wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew before he founded The Seasteading Institute with Peter Thiel to create More Floating Singapores. I co-wrote the seasteading book with Patri to bring this message to the world.

Joe Quirk is President of The Seasteading Institute and co-founder of Blue Frontiers. Joe Quirk is also a science writer, novelist, and memoir ghostwriter, with a national bestseller in each category. He is co-author with Patri Friedman of Seasteading, an amazon bestseller in the category of marine engineering. Joe leads a team of lawyers, engineers, business leaders, artists, and investors to establish the first floating community with unprecedented political autonomy in the waters of a host nation.