Design and Potential Applications of Floating Structures in Singapore

Kok Keng Ang, Jian Dai

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore;

Oyvind Hellan

Ships and Ocean Structures, SINTEF Ocean AS

Arnstein Watn

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

James Lee

JTC Corporation

Abstract – As an island city-state with about 710 km2 of land, Singapore treats land as a precious and limited resource. To sustain the development growth, Singapore continues to reclaim land from the sea and excavate underground space. In addition, Singapore has also started creating space using large floating structure technology. This presentation focuses on a multi-purpose floating structure (MPFS) research and development project funded by Land and Liveability National Innovation Challenge (L2 NIC) Directorate and JTC Corporation. The objective of the project is to develop innovative design concepts, optimal structural, and foundation solutions, as well as construction and installation methods for multi-purpose floating structures in Singapore coastal waters. This presentation covers three specific applications, namely floating hydrocarbon storage facility, floating bridge and modular multi-purpose floating structure. The technical challenges, conceptual designs, research innovation and key findings will be discussed. The outcomes of this research project may be used as a reference for other potential applications including floating offshore bunker supply bases, LNG regasification facilities, solar plants, desalination plants, piers, shipyards, container port terminals, golf courses, parks and towns/cities.

Keywords – Very Large Floating Structures, VLFS, Mooring, Hydrodynamics, Chains.

Associate Professor K.K. Ang is a Faculty member in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the National University of Singapore. He received his B.Eng from the University of Singapore, M.Eng from the National University of Singapore and Ph.D from the University of New South Wales, Australia. He has assumed various senior management positions at the Faculty of Engineering, including Vice-Dean of Outreach and Vice-Dean of Student Life. His research interests include Computational Mechanics, Dynamics of High-Speed Rails and Design of Very Large Floating Structures. He has published about 180 technical papers in these areas. Presently, he is the Principal Investigator of a research project on Multi-Purpose Floating Structures funded by the Land and Liveability National Innovation Challenge (L2 NIC) Directorate and JTC Corporation. Professor Ang is a Singapore registered professional engineer since 1991 and has been active in providing consultancy services for the local industries.